Directory manipulation with R

Anthony Chau


Quick note about directories with base R.

Check if a directory exists

We use the dir.exists() function. dir.exists() takes as input, a path to a directory, specified as a character string. You can also specify multiple paths in a single character vector. The function will return a boolean indicating if the directory exists.


# can specific multiple paths

dir_paths <- c("path/to/dir1", "path/to/dir2")


Create a directory.

We use the dir.create() function. dir.create() takes as input, a path to a direcotyr specified as a character string. We cannot supply multiple character vectors to dir.create().

# create a new directory in the current directory

# create a new sub-directory in the new_dir

# doesnt' work
dir.create(c("new-dir1", "new-dir2"))